Power of Memory Dividends: Carl’s $10,000 Purchase You Won’t Believe | MHFI 151

Carl discusses his crazy $10,000 semi-spontaneous purchase.

  • Buying a private concert with The Webb Brothers
  • Memory dividends
  • Mindy approves
  • The Big Event

Philosophical Musings

  • What Doug thinks about all of this
  • What would Doug spend $10,000 on?
  • Stuff versus experiences
  • Why your purchases may become irrelevant someday
  • To budget or not to budget…
  • Staying thoughtful about spending

It’s cold in Colorado. The Mile High FI studio in Doug’s basement is even colder. Help keep the studio warm and get cool stuff: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/milehighfi

EconoMe: Doug and Carl are going to EconoMe again and are planning a meetup. Get your ticket here and enter MILEHIGHFI at checkout for a discount. See you in Cincinnati!



Check out the Econome Conference – Save money using our coupon code MILEHIGHFI. Carl and Doug will be there, so come and hang out.

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**Disclaimer: The podcast is for informational purposes. Maybe entertainment but we won’t even make such a claim. You shouldn’t take the info as financial, legal, or tax advice. We aren’t certified financial planners or advisors. We’re not qualified for much. So get advice from professionals.**

Brought To You By:

The Doug Show, aka Affiliate Marketing & Side Hustles

1500 Days, Carl’s Blog about Early Retirement

Email us here: doug@milehighfi.com or carl@milehighfi.com


0:00 Intro

4:59 Carl bought a concert

16:03 Thoughts on spending money on experiences

19:02 What would Doug spend 10k on?

21:55 More ideas

27:20 Stuff vs experiences

28:33 Do purchases ever become irrelevant?

35:13 Budgeting one crazy purchase per year